AI at the Writer’s Desk: What Works and What Doesn’t

Incorporating AI into the writing process can offer creative sparks and overcome blocks, but leaving it unchecked leads to unreliable accuracy.

We’ve all heard about AI taking our jobs and starting the robot uprising. In this instance, however, I purposefully let it do just that (well, at least the taking my blog-writing job part). Using AI to generate content still requires getting through a bit of a learning curve in getting your prompts written well so that the tool knows exactly what you want. That being said, however, the below post was written entirely by the free version of ChatGPT. The only editing I did to this was to clean up a bit of formatting! Ok, well, that and a couple of notes where it was less than accurate. 

I will follow up in a future blog post with exactly the method I used to generate this content. For now, however, enjoy! 

AI robot with files in it's head.

Unleashing the AI Magic: Revolutionizing Marketing with ChatGPT and Beyond

Picture this: a marketing department where content writes itself, customer sentiment is instantly analyzed, and emerging trends are spotted effortlessly. It sounds like a marketing dream, right? Well, thanks to the power of AI, this dream is becoming a reality. In this blog post, we’ll dive into how AI tools, such as ChatGPT, have transformed content creation, sentiment analysis, and trend spotting within marketing departments. Get ready to witness the magic unfold!

Content Creation: Where Words Flow and Ideas Soar

Writing compelling blog posts, engaging social media content, and persuasive email campaigns can be a time-consuming task. But fear not, as AI tools have stepped in to lighten the load. ChatGPT, ConversionAI, and Writesonic are some of the powerhouses in content creation.

ChatGPT, powered by OpenAI, acts as a virtual writing assistant, helping marketers generate ideas, fine-tune their writing, and even create entire pieces effortlessly. It’s like having a witty co-writer by your side, saving time and unleashing creativity. 

Learn more about ChatGPT 

(The link to ChatGPT it generated for itself, as you may have noticed, is a bad link. This is why AI still requires human supervision 🙂 you can use this link to actually Learn more about ChatGPT)

ConversionAI (formerly known as ContentBot) specializes in generating engaging and conversion-focused content. It leverages AI algorithms to create catchy headlines, compelling ad copies, and product descriptions that captivate audiences. With this tool in your arsenal, crafting captivating content becomes a breeze.

Explore ConversionAI

(You might notice the link to ConversionAI brings you to Jasper – another good example of proofreading your AI content just like you would from a human writer)

Writesonic is another notable AI-powered tool that assists in content creation. It offers various writing templates, generates marketing copy, and even provides blog post ideas. This tool is a valuable resource for marketers looking to streamline their content creation process.

Visit Writesonic

Sentiment Analysis: The Pulse of Your Customers

Understanding your customers’ sentiments and perceptions is vital in shaping your marketing strategies. Fortunately, AI has your back with sophisticated sentiment analysis tools. Let’s explore a couple of renowned options.

MonkeyLearn is a powerful AI platform that offers sentiment analysis capabilities. By analyzing customer feedback, reviews, and social media conversations, MonkeyLearn provides valuable insights into how your brand is perceived. It enables you to identify positive and negative sentiment, helping you make data-driven marketing decisions. 

Discover MonkeyLearn

Lexalytics is another notable tool that excels in sentiment analysis. It provides advanced text analytics, helping you uncover sentiment, emotions, and opinions in customer feedback and online content. Lexalytics offers valuable insights that allow you to gauge brand perception and adjust your marketing strategies accordingly.

Visit Lexalytics

Trend Spotting: Riding the Wave of Success

Keeping up with the ever-changing market trends is crucial for staying ahead of the competition. Thanks to AI-powered trend spotting tools, marketers can now ride the wave of success effortlessly.

Google Trends is a widely-used tool that provides insights into the popularity and search volume of specific topics over time. It allows you to identify trending topics, compare interest between different terms, and uncover regional trends. With Google Trends, you can align your marketing efforts with what’s currently capturing the attention of your audience. 

Explore Google Trends

BuzzSumo is another valuable tool that helps you discover trending content and monitor industry trends. By analyzing social media engagements and content performance, BuzzSumo provides actionable insights into what topics and content formats are resonating with your audience. It empowers you to create compelling, shareable content that drives engagement and boosts brand visibility. 

Visit BuzzSumo


AI tools have unleashed a new era of possibilities within marketing departments. From content creation to sentiment analysis and trend spotting, ChatGPT and its AI counterparts are revolutionizing the way marketers operate. Embrace the AI magic and let it propel your marketing efforts to new heights.

Remember, while AI tools are powerful, they are most effective when complementing human creativity and expertise. By embracing these tools and harnessing their capabilities, you’ll unlock new levels of efficiency and innovation in your marketing strategies. So, let the AI magic guide you, and prepare to witness marketing like never before!

Ready to integrate AI into your marketing? Contact BizStream for more information on using AI tools or integrating AI into your website!

Human Post-Script

Overall, letting any AI tool generate content without that supervision, curation, and editing is a dangerous practice. The technology has come a long, long way in a very short period of time, but it isn’t completely independent. The tools themselves will warn you, but the accuracy of information is not guaranteed for everything from basic facts to the dots that it connects. In fact, I had to try several times to get resources that actually existed and weren’t just made up by the bot. 

While learning how to write good prompts and churning out content en masse may make you a few bucks on Fiverr, it isn’t a way to produce quality content and in no way replaces the need for human writers and editors. My experience has been that it is more of a starting point or an ideation tool.

I use tools such as ChatGPT to give me ideas on other ways to word emails, suggest topics that I may not have thought of otherwise, or just get me past the initial writer’s block I often get when writing blog posts. The common wisdom around BizStream is that AI can get you about 60% there, but it is up to you to take that and turn it into something quality and usable.

Should you be using tools like ChatGPT, Bard, DALL-E, Midjourney, Jasper, etc, in your everyday workflow? Absolutely. You’d have to pry GitHub Copilot out of the cold dead hands of most of our developers here. They are just that, though, tools. Maybe in another 10-15 years, we will be able to farm out a lot more total content creation to AI, but for now, at least, keep doing what you do best and let AI make you even better!

About the Author

Chris Hamm

Chris got his degree in music education in 2006. Over the years he has directed musicals, taught voice lessons, and managed $10 million in sales for an artisan bread company. After becoming disenchanted with jobs that were personally unfulfilling and taking him away from his family, he decided to turn his programming hobby into a career. Becoming a developer means the opportunity to integrate his creative roots with his technological passions. He thinks BizStream is the perfect place to do that.

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