Cory VandenBout

Product Operations / Web Developer
Cory VandenBout Portrait

In 2006, I came on at BizStream. I got an interview, was hired on as a junior developer, and over time made my way to the top as a senior developer and technical lead. I’ve been around long enough to really see the company change and grow.

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Event Planning

Most of my life has been spent in the West Michigan area ā€” Jenison, Allendale, Grand Rapids, and now Rockford, with a brief stint in Fort Lauderdale.

I graduated from Grand Valley State University in 2003, and went on to work at a mortgage company in IT for a year and a half. After a year and a half I was transferred down to the Fort Lauderdale branch. I stayed for more than a year, and it was definitely a great experience, but I eventually made my way back to Michigan.

In 2006, I came on at BizStream. I got an interview, was hired on as a junior developer, and over time made my way to the top as a senior developer and technical lead. I’ve been around long enough to really see the company change and grow.

BizStream isnā€™t a typical office. Thereā€™s no bureaucracy or red tape to get stuff done. If you have an idea, you can start and run with it. Weā€™re pretty open to new things and to changing things for the better. No one here is stuck in their ways.

The atmosphere here is pretty laid back. Everyoneā€™s great ā€” weā€™re all friends. Weā€™re all kind of similar in the way we think about work and life. Here, work isnā€™t the thing you have to go to every day; itā€™s a place you get to go to.

Traveling is something Iā€™d like to do more. As a kid, my family traveled all over America. Later in life, Iā€™ve gone to Jamaica, London, and honeymooned in Paris and Cannes, France. I would like to go back to London. I like the idea of being in a foreign country without a language barrier. You get to see a different culture, but donā€™t feel walled off from everyone. I also want to go to Hawaii, Italy, Iceland, and maybe the Netherlands would be cool too. Oh, and to New Zealand to see the Lord of the Rings sets.

Since I’ve been out in the real world, I’ve learned that patience with new technology is essential. That old Yoda quote inspires me to hang in there when I’m figuring out stuff: “Do or do not. There is no try.”

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