Exploring Vue 3’s Composition API and Performance Improvements

Explore Vue 3’s Composition API and Performance Improvements for a modern front-end development experience.

Vue.js is a progressive JavaScript framework known for its simplicity, flexibility, and ease of integration, making it a popular choice for building dynamic and interactive user interfaces. As Vue.js moved from version 2 to version 3, several key enhancements and structural changes were introduced, changing the way developers approach front-end development.

One of the fundamental shifts lies in the architecture, where Vue 3 boasts improvements in performance, reactivity, and overall efficiency. Notably, the introduction of the Composition API gives developers a more modular and organized approach to building components, contrasting with Vue 2’s Options API. These changes, along with improvements in TypeScript support, faster rendering, and enhanced tree-shaking for smaller bundle sizes, collectively make Vue 3 a compelling choice for developers seeking a modern and optimized front-end development experience.


Vue 3 brings about significant architectural changes, taking a large shift from its predecessor, Vue 2. The underlying architecture enhancements in Vue 3 have been re-crafted to deliver improved performance, higher reactivity, and increased overall efficiency. With a streamlined reactivity system based on the Proxy object, Vue 3 ensures more precise and fine-grained tracking of state changes, resulting in faster and more responsive applications.

The revamped Virtual DOM in Vue 3 contributes to improved rendering performance, minimizing unnecessary updates and enhancing the efficiency of UI updates. Additionally, the modular design of Vue 3, powered by the Composition API, enables developers to organize and reuse code more efficiently, promoting a scalable and maintainable codebase. These architectural refinements not only elevate the development experience but also position Vue 3 as a framework that excels in delivering high-performance, reactive, and efficient web applications.

Vue 2 and Vue 3 comparison
Image source: Options API vs. Composition API, medium.com

Composition API

The Composition API in Vue 3 represents a paradigm shift in how developers structure and organize their components compared to the Options API in Vue 2. Unlike the Options API, which separates concerns into distinct sections like “data,” “computed,” and “methods,” the Composition API encourages a more composable and function-based approach. In Vue 2, data properties, computed properties, and methods are declared within an object, leading to potential verbosity and reduced modularity as the component grows. In contrast, the Composition API enables developers to use functions to create reusable logic and share stateful behavior across components more effectively. Let’s consider a simple example:

Vue 2 Options API:

export default {
  data() {
    return {
      message: 'Hello, Vue!',
      count: 0,
  computed: {
    doubledCount() {
      return this.count * 2
  methods: {
    increment() {
      this.count += 1

Vue 3 Composition API:

import { ref, computed } from 'vue'

export default {
  setup() {
    // Reactive state
    const message = ref('Hello, Vue!')
    const count = ref(0)

    // Computed property
    const doubledCount = computed(() => count.value * 2)

    // Method
    const increment = () => {
      count.value += 1

    // Expose properties and methods
    return {


In this example, the Composition API introduces the “ref” function for reactive state and the “computed” function for computed properties. This modular and function-centric approach simplifies code organization, promotes reusability, and enhances the overall maintainability of Vue components.

The “<script setup>” syntax in Vue 3 further consolidates a component’s state, props, and methods. It aims to streamline component composition, reducing boilerplate and improving code readability. Here’s a quick example:

					<script setup>
import { ref, computed } from 'vue'

// Reactive state
const message = ref('Hello, Vue!')
const count = ref(0)

// Computed property
const doubledCount = computed(() => count.value * 2)

// Method
const increment = () => {
  count.value += 1


This concise syntax not only enhances the clarity of the code but also promotes a more ergonomic and efficient way of composing Vue components.


Vue 3 introduces several optimizations that significantly enhance rendering speed, facilitate tree-shaking, and result in smaller bundle sizes compared to Vue 2. The revamped Virtual DOM in Vue 3 is designed for improved rendering performance, reducing unnecessary updates and enhancing the efficiency of UI updates. This results in faster and more responsive applications, contributing to a smoother user experience.

Moreover, Vue 3 incorporates enhanced tree-shaking capabilities, allowing for more efficient removal of unused code during the build process. This optimization translates to smaller bundle sizes, facilitating quicker loading times for web applications. The combination of these improvements positions Vue 3 as a powerful choice for developers seeking not only a more performant and reactive framework but also one that excels in minimizing the overall footprint of their applications.


Vue 3 also features enhanced TypeScript (TS) support, providing a more seamless integration with static typing. The improvements include better type inference for reactive properties, improved autocompletion, and overall stronger tooling support. This makes Vue 3 an ideal choice for developers who prefer TypeScript, ensuring a more robust development experience and improved code quality.


Migrating from Vue 2 to Vue 3 can be approached through strategies like “one-step migration,” where the entire codebase is upgraded to Vue 3 at once—for smaller projects; or “incremental adoption,” where developers can choose to migrate specific components or modules to Vue 3 while keeping the rest of the application in Vue 2—for larger projects. Vue’s official migration guide offers detailed steps and tools to facilitate a smooth transition based on project requirements.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, the evolution from Vue 2 to Vue 3 brings forth a series of substantial improvements, ranging from architectural enhancements and the introduction of the Composition API to optimizations in rendering speed and reduced bundle sizes. Vue 3’s improved TypeScript support further elevates its developer-friendly features.

As developers explore migration strategies tailored to their project needs, such as one-step migration or incremental adoption, Vue’s commitment to facilitating a smooth transition ensures that the community can readily embrace the benefits of Vue 3 while building upon the success of Vue 2. This forward-looking framework not only addresses the challenges of modern web development but also empowers developers to create more performant, scalable, and maintainable applications.

About the Author

Tucker Winright

Tucker started programming in his junior year of high school and hasn’t stopped since. After receiving his computer science degree from Cedarville University, he accepted an internship at BizStream, and after three months, he was hired as a full-time team member! He loves playing disc golf in the warmer months and probably has an unhealthy amount of discs. He also enjoys playing video games, especially when it’s not 75° and sunny. He loves traveling with his family and seeing the world, his favorite places being: Kauai and Germany.

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