Positivity and its Impact on Work Culture

At BizStream, a positive workplace is extremely important.

On average, Americans workedĀ 34.4 hours per week in 2019. That translates to over 20% of the week we spend at work. Shouldnā€™t spending that much time at work be a positive experience?Ā 

At BizStream, we live by our Core Values, which is the foundation of our culture:

  1. Whatever It Takes
  2. Work Hard, Play Hard
  3. We Are A Team
  4. Be Fearless
  5. Foster Growth In Others
  6. Care
  7. Be Positive
A person writing be positive on a whiteboard

Be Positive is extremely important because it plays a role in all the values. But what does ā€œBe Positiveā€ mean at BizStream, exactly?

  • Smile, be polite, make this a place we all want to spend our time.
  • Be respectful, appreciative, enthusiastic.
  • You do not have to agree but disagree in a constructive way.
  • Assume the best intentions.
  • Have open, transparent, unvarnished communication. Gossip benefits no one.

Creating a Positive Culture

Itā€™s well known that thereā€™s a favorable correlation between positive employees and positive culture. So how can we create a positive culture, you say? Iā€™m glad you asked.

Understand the Current Culture

The first task should be toĀ understand the current cultureĀ and evaluate what strengths and weaknesses exist. Strengths should be fortified, enhanced, and potentially celebrated. Identifying weaknesses will give focus to possible adjustments that can be made to achieve the desired culture. Getting input from the employees should also be paramount. Business leaders do not always have the same perspective on company culture as the employees.

Build Trust

One way for leadership to ensure a healthy environment is to build trust by communicating openly, honestly, and transparently when getting employee feedback about company culture. Make employees feel like they are a part of the company by emphasizing a team atmosphere.Ā Allow employees to provide input and listen to them. Allowing employees the opportunity to provide feedback on something as big as establishing or changing company culture can bring everyone together and provide them with purpose.

Two men looking at each other and clapping

Set Expectations and Provide Feedback

Set expectations and goalsĀ andĀ measure those goals frequently. Providing feedback is also critical to establishing cultural dos and donā€™ts and affirming open lines of communication. It also brings into view the bullet point ā€œassume the best intentions.ā€ We often think of feedback as a source of correction or pointing out needed improvement, but feedback can take many forms. Feedback can also be a recognition of going above and beyond. Recognizing individuals for their good deeds can be as crucial as identifying mistakes. Regular check-ins and one-on-one meetings without an agenda are great for generating trust and creating additional channels of communication for feedback in both directions between management and employees.

Allow for Employee Engagement

There are numerous events throughout the year at BizStream, including our annual golf outing, internal celebrations, a camping trip, March Madness parties, and company picnics, this year held at Michiganā€™s Adventure. Each of these events brings everyone together in a fun and social capacity.Ā 

We also have the regular Lunch and Learn events where topics range from benefits to a discussion panel on Kentico CI.Ā 

Having events, such as team-building activities or social events, helps to create an inclusive environment. Provide short surveys to get employee feedbackā€”again, another option for communication that can potentially be anonymous if you have challenges with employees not speaking up honestly.

Focus on Employee Wellness

Organizations should invest in their employeesā€™ wellness because it will help build a positive environment and generate community. An employer who makes an employee feel like they matter helps give meaning to that employeeā€™s work. If possible, offer employees benefits that can positively impact themā€”gym/yoga memberships, mental health resources, assistance programs, and other things that can help their general well-being.Ā 

BizStream offers several benefits directly towards our well-being. Many BizStreamers workout together and challenge each other at CrossFit Allendale, as the membership is paid for by the company. If CrossFit isnā€™t your thing, BizStream offers gym stipends. We have the opportunity to do a 23andMe DNA genetic test to find out health and family data. Generous PTO and flexible schedules also provide us with the time we needā€”be it for vacation or if you just need to flex some time because you have a contractor coming to estimate your leaking roof.

Two men fist bumping and saying I got your back

Benefits of Positive Culture

The beneficial effects of having a positive culture are extensive:

  1. A positive culture can be contagious, similar to a negative culture, which amplifies why itā€™s essential.Ā 
  2. Employees are more likely to be dedicated to the company and show loyalty because they enjoy going to work and being around their peers.Ā 
  3. A positive culture will improve job satisfaction, work performance, and collaboration.Ā 
  4. Employee morale is likely to increase, reducing stress.

Furthermore, there is the potential for increased recruitment opportunities due to positive word of mouth, reviews, or feedback. A positive culture could net you some local, regional, or national awards to help further promote your brand and business, including recruitment. Conversely, if a poor culture is in place and employees leaving the company write bad reviews, this could impact recruitment.

Positivity Always Wins

Wrap Up

Donā€™t just set up a vague outline of values the company should adopt, define each of those values further to provide ample understanding for all employees. Every company should seek its own set of values to match its principles and goals. This can guide the way for cultivating the type of atmosphere the company wants and the type of employees it wants to attract. And most importantlyā€”live those values from the top down. Asking employees to abide by a cultural framework that isnā€™t respected by all is a quick way to allow good culture to deteriorate.Ā 

About the Author

Sean Lakies

Since high school, Sean has been working with the web and IT, where he developed an early interest in web and graphic design. Since then, he has worked in various IT roles, where he finds his passion in web development. Outside of coding, Sean enjoys exploring music, going to the gym, spending time with family and friends, or discussing a recent Detroit Lions win.

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